is an organization dedicated to honoring the legacy of America’s Fallen Military Heroes. These Gold Star Families and Military Survivors include the spouses, children, parents, and certain other family members and battle buddies of soldiers who died in defense of our freedom.

Through strategic planning and organizations such as Veterans Affairs, Army Survivor Outreach Services, American Tax and Financial Planners, Military Survivors are able to locate and receive certain financial guidance.

However, many families are left out, and some organizations only provide limited services. This is where helps. We provide assistance with the everyday needs that surviving families experience. This assistance includes guidance with purchases, repairs, educational funding, and more. bridges the gap between Military Survivors and businesses that desire to support this unique audience. By becoming a sponsor, your business can allow to offer personalized service, exclusive discounts, and host local events for Survivors. In short, we can direct Military Survivors to businesses that not only understand their hardships but support their growth moving forward.

Thank you for your willingness to support America’s Fallen Military Heroes. As a sponsor, you honor the surviving spouses, children, parents, and battle buddies by enabling to assist survivors in their daily financial and emotional struggles.    

What does it mean to be a sponsor? First, it is important to understand that this is not designed to be simply an ‘advertising’ program or ‘marketing’ tactic. seeks partnerships with businesses who truly understand the sacrifice our Survivors have endured and want to offer their support. This support is shown through exceptional discounts, five-star service, and an on-going monetary commitment to enlarge the efforts of Most important, it ensures our country’s survivors are never without the assistance they need.

The starting cost to become a sponsor of is only $11 per month. You can easily start the process by choosing a package below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll have a representative from reach out to you.
